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a.ra_roth Bruneck/Stegn
lindadellongo Unterland/Bozen
itstscholli Sterzing
lauraschwienbacher Meran/Ulten
reiterer.emma Mölten/Brixen
gabs.pircher.1 Vinschgau/Brixen
hannah.stauder Sarntal
emely_.1708 Lüsen
leoni_gschnitzer Feldthurns
eliasgeier04 Kaltern
samuel_gassi Lüsen
pramstallermichaela Bruneck
johanna_pallhuber06 Antholz/Pustertal
vickitrompedeller Sarntal
maxi.toell Lüsen
alex_pillon Kaltern
laura_nussbaumer06 Untervinschgau/Meran
huber_vivien St.Sigmund/ Pustertal
Here you get a list of all artists performing on this prom!
Take a look at all the pics our media team took at Darkside. Simply download a pic by clicking on it!
Our best friend the Nightliner carries us home!
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